Scripture Blessings

I would like to take the next few weeks of this weekly post theme and think further on the verses that were mentioned in last week’s scripture post.  Click here if you want to refresh your memory on that post.

The first point of the post was that you can lose weight with God’s help. Here is what Proverbs 3;5-6 says:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Have you taken time to talk to God and ask Him to help you in your weight loss?  The verse says in all thy ways acknowledge Him… I believe this to mean that we are suppose to bring every life question to him and involve him in everything in our life.  This includes our weight loss journey.  He shall direct thy paths  I believe that he can show us what we need to do to have a healthier body if we just trust him and lean on him to help us.

Are you stumped as to how to do this?  Here is what I do…I start my day in prayer and reading the bible.  And before I get up to go do anything else I ask God to help me through my day, to help me make the right decisions in every aspect of my day.  I ask him to direct my thoughts and control my mind so that I may live my day in His will. 

During the day there are times when all of a sudden I have an idea pop in my head that is so very helpful and is so what I need…I know that idea has to have come from God.  There are other times when I go to make a decision about something and I get a feeling of hesitation…I have found if I heed to that hesitation and slow down and think it through, most of the time changing the decision, that everything works smooth.  I also find when I don’t heed to that hesitation that things will get hectic. 

Unfortunately there are a lot of times when I don’t even realize there was a feeling of hesitation until afterwards when everything has gone to chaos.  And I have to admit there are times when selfishness overtakes me and I ignore the “still small voice” and think my way has to be better…and of course it is not.

But that is all part of the process of learning to trust in the Lord with all thine heart.  It is a forever learning process.

So I challenge you to start your day by asking God to direct your paths, to control your mind, and to help you make the right weight loss choices for you!

I would love any feedback or additional thoughts that you have on this verse or this post!


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